Thursday, August 18, 2011

Survived again

We did it! I made it! Another semester completed!!

(I'm actually celebrating early. I still have one more exam tomorrow at 8am. But mentally? I'm pretty much DONE.)

Burke went home to Wisconsin last week to be there when his brother Clark came home from his mission. I hated missing it, but I had 2 exams and it was right before finals and... I really couldn't leave. Burke went to work while he was there, so it wasn't quite a vacation. He said the first day his groove was kind of thrown off... he's gotten used to doing his thing at home. He enjoyed welcoming Clark and being with his family. (And seeing lots of friends at church. We miss you!!!)

Meanwhile, my mama came to stay with me for a couple of days so I wouldn't be alone for so long! And because she wanted to see me. :) It worked out great because I didn't have class in the morning on Thursday so we got to go for a run and then sit on the beach (I studied, of course!). Mama even painted my toenails Thursday night while I crammed for my exam. Can you believe that? She kept herself busy while I was at school and we had fun together when we could. Friday we went out to dinner and then saw "The Help," and Saturday morning we enjoyed a glorious beach run, made breakfast, and again, sat and swam at the beach. I realized it had been a long time since just the two of us had gone and done something fun together, and we both really loved having some girl time. This woman is amazing, and her company is just what I needed.

...Proof being that after she left I kind of started to fall apart. My stress really started to get to me and Burke was still gone. Thankfully, he came home Sunday night just in time to hold me together for finals week. And here we are, almost ready for a real vacation, together. I couldn't be more excited!

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