Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our Easter in North Carolina

We had a wonderful trip home for Easter! I hadn't been home for Easter since I went to college. I absolutely love NC in the spring. Especially home. It's so beautiful, and Mom and Dad work so hard in their HUGE yard to make it that way. While we were home Burke and I did a teeny bit of yard work and it was great! It brought back those memories of the bane of mine and my siblings' summer breaks--yard work. An hour every day. Now that we've lived in apartments for several years we really miss the pleasure of weeding, mowing, and enjoying a beautiful yard. Mom made tons of food, like usual, including her traditional Easter bunny cake.

On Saturday much of my dad's side of the family came over to our house for an Easter get-together. It was lots of fun! I hadn't seen lots of them in a long time, but some people never change! There aren't any small kids around anymore, except for the kids of one of my cousins, and they are all growing up! I couldn't believe it.

On Monday Dillon had to go back to school but Daddy took off work and Burke, Mom, Dad, and I all went hiking at Stone Mountain. I love the green/blue mountains and the rhododendrons!

We enjoyed playing and relaxing at home with my parents and Dillon and seeing some of my favorite people. It was a great way to spend a break from school!


  1. Jess I am so JEALOUS right now!! I wish I was in NC for Easter! I loved looking at your pictures and am so happy that I found your blog. I am so happy I can keep in touch with you now:)

  2. Hey thanks so much for commenting, now I found your blog too! Congrats on all the exciting things going on!
